
Different paths, the same goal

I invite you to explore the different alternatives through which we can begin this interesting journey towards Positive Discipline, choosing the methodology that best suits your proposed objectives:

Charlas Introductorias con Stella Parenting

This is the perfect opportunity for you to get to know the world of Positive Discipline through these free talks in which, in addition to learning about the benefits of this model, you will be able to experience a first approach to face-to-face workshops.

Do you want to know more? Here we leave you more information:

There is no excuse! Schedule the next talk and learn why adults are moving towards this model.

Who can attend?

Members of Educational Centers, Religious Organizations, professionals related to the world of children and parents or family members who have children and/or young people in their care.

Where do they take place?

Generally in Educational Centers, but they can also be coordinated in other spaces that require it.

What are we going to achieve?

Attendees will learn what Positive Discipline is all about and what it contributes to children, families, schools and the community in general. Also through these talks you will be able to get an idea of how the in-person workshops are carried out.

Talleres de Disciplina Positiva con Stella Parenting

Through these workshops, which offer different intensities (4 or 6 weeks), attendees can learn from practical and experiential experiences on how to adopt Positive Discipline in their lives, their professions and positively impact the lives of children and young people with whom they live or interact.

Who can attend?

All people interested in contributing to the future of children and youth, both from the upbringing at home (parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc.) as well as from their professional field of action (educators, psychologists, social workers, etc.).

Where do they take place?

The location is variable, but they are generally held in the State of Texas.

What are we going to achieve?

At the end of the workshop, attendees will understand the reasons behind the behavior of children and youth, will obtain practical tools that will allow them to adopt the Positive Discipline model and implement what they have learned in life, at home or in their professional field where they work.

Join this model that is changing the way we understand the world of children and youth! Reserve your place for the next workshops or sign up for our waiting list and we will contact you as soon as new dates are defined.

Contact me for more information on our programs

